Dear Reader,
the words snow cat has frequently come to mind recently.
Not only the magnificent Lynx in the featured image but also
because Jessie and Sammy made a beautiful snow cat in the yard
the other week
What fun! they were giggling and smiling as they helped to give it form
It’s whiskers are twigs it stands strong in these times.
It stands with it’s back to the wall but that won’t deter it or any
of it’s kind.
Water can be solid, liquid or gas and there is even a fourth phase between solid and liquid
form, so what if the snow cat melts it will always be there.
Thoughts have a fractal form and many believe they can think and act in ice cold ,
and oppressive ways without there being an effect on them personally.
There always is a karmic effect.
It happens as an entrapment of self. A lock down in those cold cruel hell worlds.
Long ago it was fore told that those who lead into captivity shall be led into captivity.
The cats are powerful in the mirror world and wipe out dark energies.
It takes a life time it seems to work on clearing our own darkness, we are never perfect but
realization it seems can be a redemption, to humbly get on with best endeavors and
detach from the high strangeness, the inversions. and divisions orchestrated to cause
confusion, fear and aggression .
Animals lose their health and habitat lives through the disdain of humanity, cutting down
mature trees, polluting water, disrupting the ecosystem through selfish hunting
and destructive practices.
More and more pollutants seen, and unseen, electromagnetic frequency emissions
abound affecting water molecules for example of which we are substantially composed
and for which we rely for life giving processes.
Selfishness fat control,wars. inversions are not required We reflect on The Three Graces
as Stuart Wilde told us Tenderness,Generosity and Respect they
supplant nonsense.
It’s not all doom and gloom for what is known and certainly it is known can be healed.
We like the lynx the snow cat and celebrate all that we do have and feel much gratitude
to those who help with conservation and protection of wild life habitats , without agendas.
Those who would never slaughter endangered birds of prey to assist
human “hunters” on their land.
The birds, the bees, trees are being destroyed deliberately by “orcs”
daring to mock the celestial by blocking the sun poisoning the Earth and other things.
The orcs fall as do all linked with them by the light of the God Force
which fries the darkness,
We learned much from an organic vineyard owner
who always leaves a certain amount of fruit for the birds
and uses no pesticides.
“There is an enough for everyone ” he said. reverently as he showed us the grounds and a butterfly landed on his waist coat. . Respecting nature, the birds the bees, butterflies
pollinators, the beauty of the ecosystem without the affronts of fat control is a joy to behold.
Fat control has no reverence for anything , it cares for it’s own vampiric ways.
The storm troopers boots clump along attempting to silence questions, concerns, open
debate, also trying to alter commonsense meanings of things.
The ancient wisdom’s hold for all-times.
I don’t agree that Angels use flying saucers.
though the message in the video is very inspiring.
The Native American culture has much wisdom.
We are very glad also for those who are warm and kind
with commonsense and a sense of humor.
Thank you .
Posted by Wendy Datta
Dated 15th February 2019
Copyright Wendy Datta
All rights reserved