Dear Readers,
family, community ,friends animals and nature, are those things which are important and
can help us evolve.
Align to harmony and good feelings. giving and receiving are both connected.
Many of us really like Sweet Peas- yes the humble Sweet Pea – Pisum sativum
its colours are so vibrant its fragrance so delicate.
Gregor Mendel the 19th Century Austrian Friar referred to as the “Father of Genetics” worked in his monastery
garden and discovered operationally genes by a series of experiments using sweet peas .
In 1866 he wrote “The Principles Of Heredity”. He was able to demonstrate dominant and recessive traits by his breeding experiments which did not involve cruelty.
In this 21st Century as we are told the clock strikes 13 for awhile..we remember a respect for nature and the animals.
Sweetness,not fear , silence, softness not conflict it is our duty to embrace our darkness heal it understand it and turn away from the hatreds and away from the national karma. There is absolutely nothing to feel self important about.
“.. in the end all the fascist laws in the world can’t get rid of Gaia, God, family values, community, love and kindness, which become all the stronger in a crisis. The more darkness that surrounds us the more the light comes to elevate us.”
Stuart Wilde also reminded us all that humility is a sign of sanity,
We remember Gaia harmony, Sweet Peas and Butterflies.
Posted 17th July 2016
Written by Wendy Datta
Photographs by Victoria and Colm
Copyright Wendy Datta
All rights reserved.