Sophie was a most exquisite venerable, oriental cat .She lived for many years
in Hong Kong and was very well cared for .
Sophie was strong in character yet soft, highly intelligent and seemed
very mystical.
Sophie had a long and peaceful transition, she passed away
aged 19 1/2 years old on 25th April 2016.
Though missed what she taught remains eternally.
"Sophie and I loved one another unconditionally. She was loyal and made my apartment a"home". Sophie would be waiting by the front door for me when I returned home each day and would like a gentle cuddle. She taught me that unconditional love is not just between humans but for all living creatures. Sophie taught me how to give and receive love. We each did our own thing,yet could express and accept one another always. Though she is free from 3D I have felt the personal loss but I have seen her in my dreams restored and beautiful. Wendy,thanks for giving healing to Sophie. F - Hong-Kong
Posted 14th May 2016
Copyright Wendy Datta
All Rights Reserved