Pegasus Healing – Gaia File


 Dear Readers,
Happy New Year.
Thank you very much for your interest.
The Pegasus Healing” Gaia File” by Wendy Datta is a collection of posts- articles,
notes and jottings in recognition of Gaia’s Children-the animals and our connection
to them as part of nature .


 There is no monopoly over this vast field we are all learning and experiencing our connection to Gaia.
An appreciation and love of nature is non denominational.


There is both the beauty and the pain of the animals and nature.
The more we can learn and understand the less pain we are likely to cause ourselves ,
one another and the animals.
The animals are teachers in many ways and we all need to remember the 3 Graces,
Tenderness, Generosity and Respect to appreciate this at times.
Earth changes occurring now show us how very insignificant we are, humans are not
the mighty controllers over nature.
We are it seems guests here on an evolutionary journey.
 You may have seen there are other Blog posts tagged Gaia File to link this theme.
You can if you wish also order a set of 11 Resonance Cards for £9.99
by emailing Wendy Datta at  .
People have said they find the cards a helpful tool to connect in
with nature the animals and their own intuition.


Please see our workshop section if you would like to find out more and join us for a forthcoming workshop.





Gaia FileWendy Datta Chimo  & Cesar-Gaia FileDSCF54472015-01-31 11.19.38









Gaia File PegEXMOORSparrotDSCF5429-300x225



connectivity and communication







Posted by Wendy Datta. 2nd January 2016

Copyright Wendy Datta All rights reserved

1st Peacock photo by Camilla Ask

Bee photo by Jens Lund

Husky & cockerell photo by Lynt Avon

Exmoor pony photos by Jon Durrant

Copyright Jon Durrant

Monkey photo copyright of Ady Gil

reproduced by kind permission.

Ady Gil AGWC