Nature is purifying and healing the ancient Daoist Sages revered nature,water which is an integral part of nature is essential to life on Earth. It can also be a devastating force of strength way more powerful than us humans .
Yet water is also soft , flowing,and like humility itself finds the lowest point.
One autumn day in October whilst out in nature in a forest which has a river flowing parallel to it,the feeling was so good , refreshing and clear . Suddenly a dog showed up and he ran straight into the river barking. I hoped he would leave as I had been enjoying the stillness , the dog began to communicate. He wanted to bring me a log from the water,I felt humbled by him he was so enthusiastic and kind.
The dog then made his statement – paw on log. He began his work dilligntly, he just wanted to offer a log.I was concerned because the one he eventually chose was too big for him to get his jaws around and it could splinter.
He would not give up though, until he had hauled the prize log ashore.
Next the dog’s owner arrived and we laughed for joy.
Animals can show us a different way.It seemed a lesson in action, spontaneity, tenacity, of not giving up easily on our life’s journey, not getting bogged down in self defeat when challenges present themselves . Also of living in the moment, being open , feeling joyfulness and a connection with nature, Gaia, the spirit of the Earth.
The tussle of the ego, mind, emotion and programming, and the demands of tic toc as Stuart Wilde called it all take their toll and can block us from perception and from our true feelings of joy and well being , we can change this. Healing is about change.
Khris Krepcik of in his Public Writings The Human Shadow ,gives us some helpful teachings concise and clear about healing mind and emotion.
The clearing of blocks and binds , is like light on the water .
Written by Wendy Datta
Posted On 9th November 2014
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