Post Cards

Dear Readers, many of us like to receive post cards from our friends when they go on holiday or somewhere of interest, photos of pets and fun times are also”postcards” Great authors have written of  these world times., predictions ,allegories etc. To turn one’s back on division and hatred even when its orchestrated and all …

The Owl

Dear Readers, when I entered a local pet shop recently looking straight at me was a magnificent European Eagle Owl, his owner dressed as a “cat” with a painted face with whiskers. “The Owl and the Pussy Cat.” We will be hearing more about  animal face painting soon, children seem to have fun with it at times.   The …

Unconditional Love

  Unconditional love is boundless it wants nothing for itself, its soft and accepting, compassionate non -judgemental and forgiving.The deer symbolises kindness,softness unconditional love, it also can be a power animal a path finder. The Stag, in the Gaelic culture for example is linked to the sacredness of the Magical Forest, known as the King of …

Lion Heart-Gaia File

  Lions are associated with bravery and courage they have symbolised nobility and power throughout the ages. Lions are also linked to the cosmic forces of retribution it seems which Stuart Wilde told us about and which has been foretold. Its funny how some humans like to degrade the strength and beauty of powerful animals including lions, …

Pegasus Healing – Gaia File

   Dear Readers, Happy New Year. Thank you very much for your interest. The Pegasus Healing” Gaia File” by Wendy Datta is a collection of posts- articles, notes and jottings in recognition of Gaia’s Children-the animals and our connection to them as part of nature .    There is no monopoly over this vast field we are all …

Healing Tales & Bards

I was recently invited to give a talk at a centuries old tavern in Glastonbury by a gentle man named Oak . A group of us went along to the moot and the people who were there were open and friendly. The talk was about Nature, Energy Work And Animal Communication the theme of a …

House Of Cards

  “House of Cards” is an expression meaning something or some view based on a shaky foundation which will collapse.       No matter what goes on around us with the emergent global shadow and resultant mayhem and control, people will need to have looked at and have worked on themselves ,understood their own House of …

Empathy And The Currency Of Kindness

    Empathy is linked to our human condition and to the planet we share with the other humans  and the animals  . The Oxford Dictionary says of empathy it is “The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.” It also mentions how people often confuse empathy with sympathy. Sympathy means feelings of …