What is Energy clearing? Radio Interview

Dear Readers,

in an interview on Frome Community radio with the singer Sara Vian  on her show ” Rock And Roll Revolution”, I  am asked to talk about  energy work and also animal communication, the co-presenter is Patrick Moss.

Here below is the  interview:

Posted 18th October 2015

© Wendy Datta 2015 All rights reserved

Air Waves ( Radio Interview)

Stuart Wilde would appear from time to time on the internet radio station, news for the soul.com which has been running for 18 years now.

Journalistic integrity matters regardless of whether the material is written or spoken.

Nicole Marie Whitney the creator and presenter of the internet radio station has a warm and clear style,her own story is also inspiring .

Radio/audio can be a wonderful medium, like many things depending on its content and usage,it can be cosy ,informative linking up people thousands of miles away.

Below is an interview given to me on newsforthesoul.com


10th March 2015

By Wendy Datta

All rights Reserved