Passage One
Thank you for sharing the journey with me.
This section is for course Invitees only.
For full screen viewing of the introductory video
click the symbol between HD and Vimeo after you have accessed the video.
Passage Two
Animal Feelings Video
1. Watch the video below and see what you make of the animals
in the film and their responses.
2. What difference if any do you notice in each of
the 2 rare breed Exmoor ponies after their energy work session?
3. How would you describe each of the animals in the video?
4. Which Exmoor pony was the easier one to work with?
5. What did you learn from the chestnut horse ? ( he is not rare breed)
6. How many animal bystanders were there in the video?
Describe them and what were there feelings about what was going on?
give your reasons.
7.How many animals did you see in the video? and what are they?
Passage Eight
Video 3
Video 4
Passage Eleven
Video 5