“A rose by any other name would Smell As Sweet ” is a well known quote from Shakespeare s Romeo & Juliet.
The roses in the featured image are so beautiful an sumptuous one can feel their softness
and strength and imagine their fragrance. The abundance and beauty of nature.
Something of beauty no matter what it is called is and remains beautiful.
People refer to certain plants as “weeds” undesirables, but actually many of these are gifts
powerful herbs benefiting humans , food for other creatures part of the flow of energy through the ecosystem.
We don’t need to poison the Earth or “save it” but to leave it alone to show respect for the natural order.
Of course not all human activity is harmful ancient people and tribes have always lived in harmony with nature and people today are helping by sanctuary and non interference..and respectful ways.
By keeping a garden, with real grass and plants and using natural ways you give a sanctuary
for the birds an pollinators so hard pressed in these times.
Today also many are conscious of not using poisonous chemicals on their land, farmers leaving a verge around fields so voles and mice survive and they in turn are food for birds of prey.
The animals are often very beautiful God’s creation like us yet they are imprisoned treated with cruelty and disdain in many circumstances by the ice cold. humans who
inflict such,, suffering and pain. Pure evil.
Wrap it up in intellectual sweeteners fancy terms like ” life hack bio hack” the ice cold trajectory of the mind it does not erase the what is actually done..
“Ye shall know them by their fruits”,, Mathew Chapter 7 verses 16-23
There is a destiny a karma for all of this .
Where is the compassion and the understanding of the sacredness of life..
The responsibility of humans not to inflict unnecessary suffering on Gaia’s children.
Oh yes “Gaia” we understood and know it to be the Spirit of the Earth but the inversion is
some phony fake religion.
Dedication Of Roses
The Monkey Wrench 2 – I saw a lone monkey messenger in a cage in darkness ,
One could feel the emptiness fear and sadness.
It was alone and isolated awaiting a truly horrific fate at the hands of evil.
Pray for those monkeys, primates and do not crumble in self-pity for they want far more than that.
Prayers of love and peace for them
They want humans to acknowledge their suffering and torture and understand the evil of it.
The God-force and only the God Force the Spirit of The Earth will most certainly
end and is ending the abominations against the natural world -The Divine Plan
the mystery of it all we do not know how it will unfold but it will
the victory for Gaia and her children is assured.
We don’t condone cruelty and abominations against the natural
world as “necessary” or as “advancements” for it is demonic trickery feeding off of fear pain and suffering.
How arrogant are the dark citadels that they consider they can destroy the beauty
harmony,symmetry , and sanctity of life in order to control and enslave.
We see the bitter fruits of this and indignation is raised about many things
affecting humans but it happens to the animals first it seems and cruelty and disdain weigh heavily against the perpetrators in the Celestial scales of Justice
Contrary to the expression monkeys do know and experience evil
The old saying of the” 3 Wise Monkeys” gagged and blind folded across their eyes, ears and mouth.
“Hear no evil see know evil and speak no evil” appears as mockery of their well documented plight.
“..This Earth and it’s wild life are not ours to plunderer and abuse “And the creatures of the Earth should run free, free as they choose”
Compassion for the animals , the primates- monkeys used and abused against the Divine Order
in contravention of the Spirit of Nature and of the God Force.
The ice cold perpetrators will implode as long foretold.
Focus on love and compassion the 3 Graces.
Posted 27 th January 2022 and written by Wendy Datta
All rights reserved.
Photograph of sumptuous Roses a dedication for the 3 Graces and the monkeys- from my
friend in Australia.
All respective rights reserved